“Battleground” which originated under the previous title of “Skeleton Lake” takes a familiar approach to its story with a gang of bank robbers who just made off with a 3.2 million dollar loot.

Read more at http://horrornews.net/40611/battle ground-2012/#GGy3rqdvyzGJq0da.99

BATTLEGROUND [2012] [DVD RIP]   previous title of “Skeleton Lake”

85 min  -  Action | Horror | Thriller  -  2012 (Canada)

A bank robbery goes awry and the robbers hold up within a forest, but there is another that dwells here, an ex Vietnam vet. Soon, a battle of survival erupts as the thieves' now have to fight for their very existence.

Director: Neil Mackay

Writers: Neil Mackay, Sean McAulay

Stars: Bryan Larkin, Hugh Lambe, Bob Cymbalski